Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Move!

Hi, I'm currently in the process of moving. I don't want to leave anyone hanging so I thought I'd let yall know. It doesn't seem they posted my blog up yet (*sad*) but hopefully soon.

UPDATE: I bought some Nivea good bye cellulite, haven't really noticed a huge change but small changes yes. I also got some toner thing that has really been helping these dark spots I have on my arms. It's really does work. I can't remember what it's called but I will post it in a few days when I post some update pictures.


  1. I wish you all the best! I am on my second week of the program, but haven't noticed much progress yet. There is a link to your blog on the getabiggerbutt website. If you go to the Gallery page, the link is up at the top.

  2. Oh Yay! Thanks for telling me! Which book did you order? Maybe I can help. :)
